Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Week 4

This video really made me realize how much our world has advanced in the past few decades. Our world today advances daily it seems, and it does make one wonder what it will be like in the near future, or what it will be like for the next generation to come. It seems today facebook, myspace, and blogging is the way to communicate who you are and how you live your life instead of the old fashioned one on one getting to know each other. You can almost tell more about a person through their personal internet space than you can getting to know them in person, which is also why we have so many newly found couples who have met over the internet. Another way of the new decade that advances constantly is the cell phone and its capabilities. The video states more people send text messages daily than they do just about anything else. You can now get on the internet through your cell phone, you can access email, and you can reach anyone anywhere through your cell phone, but do we really know how much further technology can go or how advanced it really is.
This video made me wonder if I was being exposed to everything I could be exposed to in the technology field to further my education, or just increase my thought process. I feel I have had plenty of advantage in technology in my college career, but I know that there are more high-tech things out there that I could have been exposed to throughout my previous educational career. I hope to see a change in Alabama's schools soon with technology. Not every school is advanced as the other, but some do not have enough computers for the students to use daily, which I think is a sad situation in today's world. I realize funding is a large part of the problem, but it seems like educators would really try and push for more technology in their schools. Technologically advanced gadgets, online classes, and communication through the computer really is the way of the future, and most realize that students today need to be exposed to every piece of technology they can be. I hope as a future educator programs like ACCESS and ALEX will all be used wisely, and more programs will began to start up to further our children's education. It is important to me that I know everything I can about technology and how to work a computer because before long I know everything will be placed on the computer. So I truly hope for the future generations that we start taking action and advance things in the education field.

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