Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 7

Fischer's is completely right for having the opinion of educator's being technologically "educated." It is about time for educator's to become technologically advanced. I agree with Fischer that people should be embarrassed by the fact they do not know anything about technology today especially if they are a teacher. Teacher's should be required to know something about technology and intergrating it into their classroom. It is, after all, what everything is based on in our world today and the kids future depends on it!

I agree with him completely about it we should stop being so nice for the qualifications for jobs as well. If they do not know how to type and work a computer and its applications they should not be able to be a teacher. The kids in the classrooms future truly depends on what we know as teachers, and we should all know how to work these machines as well as others. I think something should be done about this just like Fischer said. We should step up to the plate and stop living in the past, and make sure our qualifications are up to date because we have to may things at stake.

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